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[ 22 June, 2018 a 5 July, 2018. ] Course objectives - Know the main characteristics and consequences of Eating Disorders. - Learn the different assessment and diagnostic tools and strategies. - Acquire the knowledge and develop the necessary skills to carry out an appropriate intervention in Eating Disorders. Pre-enrollment: 25/04/18 thru 26/06/18 Registration: 25/04/18 thru 26/06/18 Duration: 26/06/18 thru 05/07/18 Hours: 25 More information in this link.

22 June 2018


[ 22 June, 2018 14:00 a 29 June, 2018 14:00. ] Course objectives 1.- KNOWING YOURSELF 2.- LEARN TO PUT LIMITS 3.- ACTIVATE AND INCREASE SELF-ESTEEM 4. BRING DOWN LIMITING BELIEFS 5.- HEALTHY MENTAL HABITS 6.- MARK OBJECTIVES WITH DEADLINES- ACTION 7.- KNOW WHAT IS HOLISTIC COACHING Pre-enrollment: 25/04/18 thru 20/06/18 Registration: 25/04/18 thru 20/06/18 Duration: 25/06/18 thru 29/06/18 Hours: 25 More information in this link.


[ 22 June, 2018 a 29 June, 2018. ]   Objectives of the course - Know what the phenomenon called "podcasting" consists of. - Analysis of podcast programs and platforms: from "Gimlet Media" or "This American Life" to Podium Podcast, as well as "Radio Ambulante" and "Cuonda". - How to innovate in the podcast format: production, distribution and commercialization. - Different uses and realities of the podcast. - Make a [...]

19 June 2018


[ 22 June, 2018 a 29 June, 2018. ] Objectives of the course -Perfect knowledge in the field of artistic foundry research. - To know and to develop the procedure of melting to the lost wax by means of the technique of the fusible crucible, developed by the Professor in Sculpture Juan Carlos Albaladejo. -To acquire skills in material handling, use of infrastructure and safety equipment. -Recognize the [...]

18 June 2018


[ 11 June, 2018 a 18 June, 2018. ] This seminar seeks to reveal, analyze and critically connect the complex network of agents that converge in the configuration of the Internet. The seminar will focus on revealing, deconstructing and rearticulating the material and immaterial agents that build the network to reflect on its role and influence within the social, political, economic, cultural and emotional [...]

12 June 2018


[ 7 May, 2018 a 26 August, 2018. ] Inscríbete ya en la nueva edición de los cursos de verano de la UMH. toda la información y los distintos cursos en la web:  Inscripciones abiertas, ¡Escoge el tuyo y matricúlate ya!

15 May 2018


[ 19 October, 2017 8:00 a 17 May, 2018 8:00. ] Winter courses Los Cursos de Invierno de la UMH es otra de las ofertas formativas impartidas en la Universidad Miguel Hernández. Por su temática y contenidos, estos cursos son complementarios de las disciplinas universitarias, ofreciendo perspectivas que no se abordan durante el curso académico. Además, se tienen en cuenta en su diseño las necesidades formativas de las [...]

19 October 2017


Cursos y talleres de artes escénicas “La interpretación en tu discurso. Prepara tu puesta en escena”, 12 h. (Gratuito)     -Marzo a abril/2017, en los campus de Altea, Elche, Orihuela y Sant Joan “Taller de teatro UMH, Ciclo I”, 25 h. -De febrero a mayo/2017, campus de Orihuela -De febrero a mayo/2017, campus de Sant Joan “Taller de teatro UMH, Ciclo [...]

31 January 2017


[ 31 January, 2017 12:00 a 12 February, 2017 12:00. ] FOTOGRAFÍA DE MODA Y PUBLICITARIA, campus de Elche. El curso es complementario a las competencias básicas y obligatorias de los títulos UMH Comunicación Audiovisual y Bellas Artes, así como de interés general en un mundo donde las imágenes tienen cada vez un mayor peso (competencias transversales de otros títulos y relevancia social de la imagen fotográfica). + [...]


[ 31 January, 2017 12:00 a 13 February, 2017 12:00. ] Curso práctico: GESTIÓN LABORAL CON a3ASESOR / nom Campus de Elche Edificio el Altet 25 horas. 14 de Febrero al 7 Marzo 30 plazas +info