

Promote and encourage university activities in the cultural field with a commitment to collaboration with other organizations and institutions for the integral formation of the university community.
Transmit and instilling values ​​of solidarity, participation, respect and health to the university community through cultural and educational activities.
Doing sensitivity increase in the university area around our language and culture and streamline the process of linguistic standardization.


Conduct recreational programs and dynamic outdoor.
To inform, assist and guide the university community about the program of cultural activities.
Plan, manage and collaborate with other organizations and institutions for the development of culture.
Propose the establishment of relationships and agreements with various public and private entities for the promotion of culture.
Conduct outreach activities that link the university college and the social environment to which it belongs.
Coordination UMH Summer School.
Coordination Classroom Experience.
Ensure awareness programs about the linguistic fact.
To promote language training activities in the university community.
Encourage activities that lead to the use of Valencian as the language.
Streamline the process of language standardization in the university.
Forecasting and scheduling infrastructure, material resources, equipment and space necessary to meet the objectives of cultural and university extension.

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