

Opening: November 7, 2011. Exhibition: 7 to 28 novembre 2011. Location: Espai Cultural Obert, ECO, bldg. Altabix, Elche campus [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine] (more…)

4 November 2011


Collective exhibition about the human rights of women worldwide. Aimed at students of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University Miguel Hernández. Last date of submission: February 6, 2012. Location: Cultural Center of Gomez-Tortosa Novelda (Alicante). Exhibition: from 2 to March 23, 2012 Pdf Information (spanish) Novelda Digital [This text has been translated using a machine...

27 October 2011


Opening: October 28, 2011 at 10 h. Exhibition: October 28 to November 28, 2011. Location: Espai Cultural Obert, ECO,  bldg.1. Campus San Juan de Alicante [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine] (more…)

26 October 2011


Opening: October 20, 2011 at 10 h. Exhibition: October 20 to November 6, 2011. Location: Centro Cultural de la Mediterrania, La Nucia Pdf catalog Interactive catalog Video-story La Nucia Press release La Nucia [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine] (more…)

25 October 2011


Black Mail (1929): October 26th, 2011 at 19:30. Aula Magna, bldg. Altabix Laulev Revolutsioon (2006): November 4, 2011 at 19:00. Aula Magna, bldg. Altabix Domicilio Privado (2004): November 18, 2011 at 19:00. Classroom 0.5, bldg.Altabix Bamako (2006): December 16, 2011 at 19:00. Aula Magna, bldg. Altabix El Hombre de Al Lado (2009): January 20, 2011...

20 October 2011


Blackmail, Alfred Hitchcock, 1929 First film of "Antroposcopio V: La otra mirada" Date: Wednesday, October 26 at 19:30. Location: aula Magna, Campus Elche [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine] (more…)

19 October 2011


More Information: [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine] (more…)

29 September 2011


Opening: October 7 at 19:30. Exhibition: 7 to October 28, 2011. Location: Cultural Espai Obert, ECO, bldg. Altabix, Elche Campus [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine] (more…)

23 September 2011


Opening: October 14 at 19:30. Exhibition: October 14 to November 18, 2011. Location: Exhibition Hall of the bldg. Chancellor and Social Council, Campus de Elche Interactive catalog Pdf catalog [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine] (more…)

21 September 2011


Dia: 24 de septiembre de 2011 a las 21:00 horas. Lugar: Gran Teatro de Elche Trailer (more…)

20 September 2011

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