[ 7 March, 2012 19:30 a 31 March, 2012 19:30. ] Opening: March 7, at 19:30 Exposure: March 7 to 31, 2012 Location: ECO, Espai Cultural Obert, building Altabix. Campus de Elche
[ 1 March, 2012 12:00 a 30 March, 2012 12:00. ] Opening: March 1, 2012 at 13:00. Exhibition: March 1 to 30, 2012. Location: Exhibition Hall of the bldg. Chancellor and Social Council, Campus de Elche PDF Catalog (Spanish) Interactive Catalog (Spanish)
[ 2 February, 2012 12:00 a 28 February, 2012 12:00. ] Exhibition: 2 to January 18, 2012 Location: Espai Cultural Obert, ECO, bldg. Altabix. Campus Elche
[ 19 January, 2012 19:30 a 26 February, 2012 19:30. ] Opening: January 19, 2012 at 19:30. Exhibition: January 19 to February 26, 2012. Location: Exhibition Hall of the bldg. Chancellor and Social Council, Campus de Elche PDF Catalog (Spanish) Interactive Catalog (Spanish) [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine]
[ 12 January, 2012 19:30 a 30 January, 2012 19:30. ] Opening: January 12, 2012 at 19:30 Exhibition: 12 to January 30, 2012 Location: Espai Cultural Obert, ECO, bldg. Altabix. Campus Elche [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine]
[ 16 December, 2011 19:30 a 8 January, 2012 19:30. ] Openings: December 16, 2011 at 19:30 Exposure: of December 16, 2011 to January 8, 2012 Place: Casino Elche. C/Sant Jordi 1, Elche (Alicante) Triptych (Spanish) [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine]
[ 2 December, 2011 12:00 a 23 December, 2011 12:00. ] Briefing "El agua como método de presión en el conflicto Palestino-Israelí" Exposure: del 2 al 23 de desembre de 2011. Place: Espai Cultural Obert, ECO, bldg. Altabix. Elche Campus. Flyer
[ 24 November, 2011 12:00 a 8 January, 2012 12:00. ] Opening: November 24 at 19:30. Exhibition: November 24, 2011 to January 8, 2012. Location: Exhibition Hall of the bldg. Chancellor and Social Council, Campus de Elche Interactive catalog PDF catalog [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine]
Opening: November 7, 2011. Exhibition: 7 to 28 novembre 2011. Location: Espai Cultural Obert, ECO, bldg. Altabix, Elche campus [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine] [Veure pantalla completa]
[ 27 October, 2011 9:00 a 6 February, 2012 9:00. 2 March, 2012 9:00 a 23 March, 2012 9:00. ] Collective exhibition about the human rights of women worldwide. Aimed at students of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University Miguel Hernández. Last date of submission: February 6, 2012. Location: Cultural Center of Gomez-Tortosa Novelda (Alicante). Exhibition: from 2 to March 23, 2012 Pdf Information (spanish) Novelda Digital [This text has been translated using a machine translation engine]