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[ 4 July, 2012 12:00 a 28 September, 2012 12:00. ] Opening: July 4, 2012 at 12:30 Exhibition: From July 4 to September 28, 2012 Place: Exhibition Hall of the bldg. Chancellor and Social Council, Campus Elche. Catalog

12 June 2012


[ 13 June, 2012 12:00 a 13 July, 2012 12:00. ] Opening: June 13, 2012 at 19:00 Exhibition: From June 13 to July 13, 2012 Place: Espai Cultural Obert, ECO, bldg. Altabix campus Elche


[ 7 June, 2012 13:00 a 30 June, 2012 13:00. ] Opening: June 7, 2012 at 13:00. Exhibition: June 7 to 30, 2012. Location: Exhibition Hall of the bldg. Chancellor and Social Council, Campus Elche. PDF Catalog (Spanish) Interactive Catalog (Spanish)

6 June 2012


[ 1 June, 2012 12:00 a 4 July, 2012 12:00. ] Exposure: From June 1 to July 4, 2012 Place: Espai Cultural Obert, ECO, bldg. Altabix campus Elche

31 May 2012


[ 29 May, 2012 a 17 June, 2012. ] El Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Extensión Universitaria de la Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH) de Elche, en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Benejúzar, ha organizado la exposición “Mirades”, dentro del programa de exposiciones itinerantes “Circuit d´art”. El profesor de la UMH Josep Perez i Tomàs, comisario de la exposición, será el encargado de la inauguración de [...]

28 May 2012


[ 11 May, 2012; ] La muestra “Bèrnia 2011” de la Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH) de Elche llega al Espai d´Art de l’Ajuntament de Benidorm. El acto de inauguración tendrá lugar mañana viernes, 11 de mayo, a las 12:00 horas, con la asistencia del vicerrector adjunto de Cultura de la UMH y comisario de la exposición, Josep Pérez i Tomás. [...]

10 May 2012


Exhibition: From May 17 to June 4, 2012 Place: Espai Cultural Obert, West Hall, ECO, bldg. Altabix campus Elche More info here [Veure pantalla completa]

9 May 2012


[ 3 May, 2012 19:30 a 30 May, 2012 19:30. ] Opening: May 3,2012 at 19:30h Exposure: May 3 to 30, 2012 Place: Espai Cultural Obert, ECO, bldg. Altabix campus Elche

24 April 2012


Exposure: April 5 to 30, 2012 Place: Exhibition Hall of the bldg. Chancellor and Social Council, Campus de Elche.

5 April 2012

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