Summer course “Empower Yourself and Undertake your Professional Project (Almoradí)”


Cursos de Verano

27 June 2018

27 June, 2018a5 July, 2018

Curs d'estiu: Apodera't i Emprén el teu Projecte Professional

Course objectives

This course consists of helping and accompanying the unemployed and other profiles described so that they acquire the attitude, skills and actions needed to face the active and proactive search for employment, professional entrepreneurship and to learn attitude and methods towards happiness and prosperity at work.

Pre-enrollment: 25/04/18 thru 02/07/18
Registration: 25/04/18 thru 02/07/18
Duration: 02/07/18 thru 05/07/18
Hours: 25


More information in this link.